API User Guide

Please find here all major modification on the API.

12 September 2024
  •  API  Added field company_vat_code on entity InvoiceDetails and InvoiceView
11 September 2024
  •  API  Added field company_vat_id on entity InvoiceDetails and InvoiceView
19 August 2024
  •  API  Added field invoice_contact_id, due_monthend, payement_conditions on entity Company
09 August 2024
  •  API  Added field db_payment_method_name, db_payment_method_pm on entity InvoiceView
  •  API  Added field pm on entity DbPaymentMethods
  •  API  Added field allowed_for_invoice, allowed_for_credit_note on entity InvoiceStatus
31 July 2024
  •  API  Support to change status of invoice
08 July 2024
  •  API  Support to filter entity email_notification on type, date_sent, date_create
01 July 2024
  •  API  Support to filter entity article on description_short
  •  API  Added entity invoice_status
  •  API  Added field invoice_status_name on entity invoice, InvoiceView
24 June 2024
  •  API  Added field db_currency_id, total_taxes, due_date, source_db_table_name, delivery_name, delivery_street, delivery_city, delivery_zip, delivery_db_country_name, reference_back_office, db_payment_method_id, id2, customer_remarks, bill_to_party, bill_to_contact_id, contact_id, article_price_label_id, db_language_id, invoice_status_id, discount_group_id, discount, email, invoice_number, bill_to_company_id, dateutc_confirmation on entity invoice, InvoiceView
  •  API  Added field quantity_decimal, source_db_table_name, source_id_in_table, serial_number, no_warranty_reason, is_under_warranty, discount_percentage, cost_price on entity invoice_details
  •  API  Added entity db_currency
29 May 2024
  •  API  Added entity db_status_list
17 May 2024
  •  API  Adapt to add/update/delete recommended parts for the job via entity job_estimated_quantity
  •  API  Added field po_number_required on entity company
22 January 2024
  •  API  Added field visible_on_app on entity db_info_field
02 January 2024
  •  API  Expose UDF fields udf1 → udf100 for entity company, user, article,location, project, jobs, task
15 September 2023
  •  FIX  Fixed issue with mandatory fields when updating entity jobs of a mobile installation
21 August 2023
  •  API  Support for moving equipment (Location/Installation/Mobile installation) from one company to another company even if the equipment still has active work orders or not
08 August 2023
  •  API  Adapt to add parameters for GET method when generating swagger code
26 July 2023
  •  API  Improve performance when filtering on job_status_id, job_type_id of entity jobs
01 July 2023
  •  API  Added field db_currency_id, db_currency_code on entity feelist, article_price_label
  •  API  Adapt to allow updating non-crucial info (job priority, job description, internal memo, main contact, and job name) of a 'Workshop' or 'WorkshopInQueue' job
01 June 2023
  •  API  Added entity company_contact
27 February 2023
  •  API  Added entity job_files
  •  API  Added entity task_files
01 February 2023
  •  API  Improve performance when filtering on target_id of entity db_info_data
  •  API  Improve performance when filtering on sales_territory_id of entity user_sales_territory_list
18 January 2023
  •  FIX  Adapt to return empty list and http code 200 instead of showing 'Entity not found' and http code 404 when using odata filters and no data found on all endpoints
12 January 2023
  •  FIX  Fixed issue with filter on work_instruction_id on entity work_instruction_details
06 January 2023
  •  API  Adapt Page size to 100
  •  API  Improve performance when filtering on jobs_id of entity job_approval
  •  API  Improve performance when filtering on id_in_table of entity db_file
  •  FIX  Fixed the way to compute total time response time_needed on entity api_log
  •  API  Added entities db_info_data_article,db_info_data_company,db_info_data_db_report,db_info_data_jobs,db_info_data_project,db_info_data_task
27 December 2022
  •  API  Added field archived on entity job_type
02 November 2022
  •  API  Added field internal_remark on entity task
15 September 2022
  •  API  Adapt max length of field username, firstname, lastname, email on entity user up to 255 characters
26 August 2022
  •  API  Adapt max length of field name, group_name on entity job_work_instruction_list up to 4000 characters
07 July 2022
  •  API  Added field group_name, group_sequence, type, instruction_document_count, db_report_type_id, db_report_type_name on entity job_work_instruction_list
  •  API  Added field estimated_quantity_remark on entity jobs
27 June 2022
  •  API  Added field db_address_street2, db_address_latitude_decimal, db_address_longitude_decimal on entity jobs
07 June 2022
  •  API  Added filter by email, reference_back_office on entity contact
  •  API  Added filter by id2, sales_organization_id, reference_back_office on entity company, jobs, task, project, location
23 February 2022
  •  API  Added field is_required, is_archived on entity work_instruction
09 February 2022
  •  API  When GET by id2, return project or location on entity project
23 December 2021
  •  API  When POST, set 1 as default value for field article_increment, min_article_quantity on entity article if they are not provided
21 December 2021
  •  API  Added field company_status_id, invoice_email_to on entity company
  •  API  Added GET method api/Contact/GetByEmail?email={email} on entity contact
20 December 2021
  •  API  Allow to get equipment_family via equipment_model on entity project
10 December 2021
  •  API  Added field translations on entity equipment_model, work_instruction_details
  •  API  Added field translations, db_unit_of_measure_id_selling, db_unit_of_measure_code_selling on entity article
  •  API  Allow PUT on entity WorkInstruction
07 December 2021
  •  API  Allow to cancel jobs when PUT a job with status Canceled and its current status is one of the following: Open, ToBePlanned, Workshop, AccountBlocked, Dispatched, DispatchedRejected, Suggested, CreditBlocked, Pooling, Waiting, WaitingFurtherAction, InProgress, InProgressW, WorkshopInQueue
  •  API  Added POST method /Jobs/AddUsersAsWorkshopInQueue to force a job going to status WorkshopInQueue and assign it to user in the list
03 December 2021
  •  API  Removed field job_type_ids, job_type_codes, equipment_family_ids, equipment_family_codes on entity WorkInstruction
  •  API  Added field job_type_id, job_type_code, equipment_family_id, equipment_family_code on entity WorkInstruction
19 November 2021
  •  API  Added field db_title_id on entity contact
16 November 2021
  •  FIX  Fix issue on Help for Article and ArticleCategory endpoints. Removing sample XML dagta on Help.Reference Pages
27 September 2021
  •  API  Added field db_address_name, db_address_street, db_address_street_number, db_address_city, db_address_zip, db_address_db_country_id, db_address_db_country_code, db_address_phone, db_address_email on entity jobs
17 September 2021
  • Improve the WorkInstructionDetails endpoint based on new functionalities .
  • Stop using endpoint WorkInstructionActionType .
02 August 2021
  •  FIX  Correction when using X-Language inside http header, was not working on all endpoints .
11 May 2021
  •  API  Added entity job_status. It is read only, cannot add,update or delete
10 May 2021
  •  API  Added entity user_group. Cannot add,update or delete, get only
  •  API  Added field user_group_id on entity user
  •  API  Added field root_parent_id on entity project
  •  API  Added field company_id, company_code on entity jobs
26 March 2021
  •  API  Jobs : can now use JobStatusCode Workshop
12 December 2020
  •  API  Company : auto fill sales_organization_id and sales_territory_id when only one value
  •  API  Adapted help page for Authentication
  •  FIX  Issue when parsing Numeric type in db_info_data .
05 October 2020
  •  FIX  Fixed embedded entity company on entity contact.
  •  API  Added /User/Me to return Domain and User based on the authorization value.
  •  API  Added entity InvoiceView
03 September 2020
  •  API  Added field sys_logical_delete on entity db_info_data
24 August 2020
  •  API  Added field service_manager_user_id, finance_manager_user_id, account_manager_user_id on entity company
24 August 2020
  •  API  Added field service_manager_user_id, finance_manager_user_id, account_manager_user_id on entity company
18 June 2020
  •  API  Added field is_under_warranty on entity job_part_usage
  •  API  Added field is_under_warranty on entity job_non_part_usage
  •  API  Added field article_stock_location_id on entity invoice_details
12 May 2020
  •  API  Added trigger to send mail when company_sales_status_code change, on entitycompany
  •  API  Auto set the file_type_name if empty for article, on entity db_file
25 March 2020
  •  API  Added entity company_sector
  •  API  Added field company_sector_id on entity company
05 March 2020
  •  API  Added entity invoice and invoice_details
21 February 2020
  •  API  Added field is_billing_hour, is_other on entity hour_type
  •  API  Removed field commercial_description, allow_in_job, convert_as_invoicable on entity hour_type
11 February 2020
  •  API  Added field id2 on entity location
01 October 2019
  •  API  Added entity task_activity and task_activity_log
18 September 2019 v4.1 public
  •  API  Removed field fax on entity contact
  •  API  Optimize code for contact entitycontact
  •  API  Added field skype on entity contact
10 September 2019
  •  FIX  Optimize location filter to use locationview entity on location.
02 September 2019
  •  FIX  Avoid validating reference_back_office when creating as embedded entity on project.
16 August 2019, v4 public
  •  API  Added field mobile on entity company
  •  FIX  Avoid validating reference_back_office when creating as embedded entity on contact.
08 August 2019
  •  API  Added api usage details to OCC database.
16 July 2019
  •  API  Change the return type of error object.
28 june 2019
  •  FIX  Update error on register_city, is_working_address on entity company
  •  API  Added field bankaccount on entity company
  •  API  Added field dateutc_add on entity db_notes
  •  API  Added filter for id_in_table and db_table_id on entityemail_notification
26 june 2019
  •  FIX  Update error on register_number on entity company, fix filter by reference_back_office on entity contact
  •  FIX  Added embedded code for db_country on entity location, fix update error on boolean values.
04 june 2019
  •  FIX  Filter error on entity db_info_data by db_table_name and db_info_field_name.
30 may 2019
  •  API  Added entity email_notification and email_notification_list
  •  FIX  Enable model validation for PUT request for all entity.
  •  FIX  Update validation rules to show all validation error at single request.
23 may 2019
  •  API  Added field bic_code, specialities, register_number, register_city on entity company
15 may 2019
  •  API  Correction maxLen of street (from 50 to 100)
  •  API  Added field street2 on entity location and company
10 may 2019
  •  API  Added entity article_status_list
  •  API  Added field cost_price on entity article
7 may 2019, v4
  •  API  Release of V4 version
26 April 2019
  •  API  Added field replacement_period_nb_months, warranty_period_nb_months on entity equipment_model
  •  API  Added field contact_id on entity location
  •  API  Added field warranty_period_nb_months, use_serial on entity article
  •  FIX  Optimalization on GET, on entity project projects, type of Location not available in the list.
  •  API  Allow "Activated" status for job_status_code on entity jobs
  •  API  Added field code on entity article_price_label
  •  API  Added entity location
  •  API  Added field is_lead, is_subcontractor, latitude, longitude on entity company
  •  API  Added field marketing_segment_id on entity company
  •  API  Added entity marketing_segment
  •  API  Added entity job_planning
  •  FIX  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on jobs.reference_back_office
25 October 2018
  •  API  Added field requested_by_company_id, bill_to_party on entity task
  •  API  Added field db_payment_method_id on entity company
  •  API  Added entity db_payment_methods
  •  API  Added field reference_back_office on entity work_instruction_action_typework_instruction,  work_instruction_details,  job_work_instruction_list
6 September 2018, v3
  •  API  Added field requested_by_company_id, bill_to_party on entity task
  •  API  Added field db_payment_method_id on entity company
  •  API  Added entity db_payment_methods
  •  API  Added field reference_back_office on entity work_instruction_action_typework_instruction,  work_instruction_details,  job_work_instruction_list
  •  API  Added entity job_work_instruction_list
  •  API  Added entity work_instruction_details
  •  API  Added entity work_instruction
  •  API  Added entity work_instruction_action_type
  •  API  Added field article_price_label_id on entity company
  •  API  Added entity article_price_list
  •  API  Added entity article_price_label
  •  API  Added field is_mobile_installation on entity project
  •  API  Added field company_sales_status_code on entity company
  •  API  Allow "Open" status for job_status_code on entity jobs
  •  FIX  Correction backend layer to return error 500 when internal error to validate Get(Id) (return a 404 previously)).
  •  API  Optimized filter by article_color_id and code on entity article
  •  API  Optimized filter by file_type_name and id_in_table on entity db_file
  •  API  Optimized filter by date_from_rounded and date_to_rounded on entity user_timesheet
  •  API  Added entity user_planning_slot
  •  API  Added entity user_planning_slot_type
  •  API  Added field allow_hero_app,allow_sales_app,allow_service_app on entity user
  •  API  Added entity article_color
  •  API  Added field article_color_id on entity article.
  •  FIX  Issue in utc datetime format in GET request.
14 March 2018
  •  API  Changed field main_company_id to company_id on entity contact
  •  API  Changed field main_company_code to company_code on entity contact
  •  API  Changed field main_company to company on entity contact
  •  API  Added field contact_id,contact_code,contact on entity task

18 December 2017, v2
  •  FIX  Issue when uploading file using dbfile POST.

4 December 2017
  •  FIX  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on job_estimated_quantity.reference_back_office
  •  FIX  Issue when using multiple process (threads) on the same database

26 October 2017
  •  API  Added field km_distance,km_private,from_travel_type_code,from_db_table_name,from_id_in_table,to_db_table_name,to_id_in_table on entity car travel
  •  FIX  Company does not return address and country details
  •  FIX  User does not return private addredd details

19 September 2017
  •  API  Added field is_mileage_fee,is_travel_fee on entity article
  •  API  Added field driving_distance,travel_fee_fix_discount,date_last_invoiced,date_cancel on entity contract
  •  API  Added field modified_dateuc on entity sales_territory,user
  •  API  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on db_info_data.db_info_field_id and target_id
  •  API  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on article.code
  •  API  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on country.code
  •  API  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on db_address.code
  •  API  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on user.code
  •  FIX  Do not log (api_log) http error 404 (not found) when api debug is not enabled (normal behaviour)
  •  FIX  Added check of uniqueness on job_estimated.reference_back_office

19 January 2017
  •  API  Added field user_id on entity car_travel
  •  FIX  Issue on project.equipment_model embedded entity (Post/Put)
  •  FIX  Remove mandatory property of user.private_email

29 August 2016, v1
  •  API  Added entity equipment_model
  •  API  Added entity equipment_family
  •  API  Added entity user_timesheet
  •  API  Added entity car_travel
  •  API  Added entity user_week_approval
  •  API  Entity project, new property equipment_model_id,equipment_model_code,equipment_model
  •  API  Entity project, new property contact,contact_reference_back_office
  •  API  Entity contact, new property main_company
  •  API  Optimalization on GET when filtering (?$filter) on property reference_back_office
  •  FIX  Issue on ArticleStockLocation when linked_db_table_name was not filled (null)
  •  FIX  Issue on DbAddress,Get+GetAll only returned main address and instead of returning all 'not default' address
  •  FIX  Issue on DbAddress Get when filtering on modified_dateutc (Timezone issue)
  •  FIX  Issue on DbFile/GetFileContent/{id} if db_file.mime_type is empty
  •  FIX  Issue on DbFile/POST+PUT when using db_file.db_table_name
  •  FIX  Issue on DbInfoData POST when reference_back_office is filled
  •  FIX  Issue on DbReport Get when filtering on modified_dateutc (Timezone issue)
  •  FIX  Improvement on Task When task is linked to a jobs/project (to_db_table_id/to_id_in_table),automatically fill the task.company_id

16 March 2016
  • HELP New page "Pricing" on menu Advanced
  • HELP Reference pages show now the GET Controller(id) and PUT Controller(id) and not anymore GET Controller?key={key} or PUT Controller?key={key}
  •  API  Enable the Safety Guard system (Page Help is coming soon)
  •  API  Added entity article_stock_location
  •  API  Added entity article_stock_location_list
  •  API  Added entity car
  •  API  Entity jobs, on POST , will add all valid work_instruction/work_instruction_details inside job_work_instruction_list
  •  API  Entity job_part_usage , new property name
  •  FIX  Issue with Embedded entity Country when updating Company
  •  FIX  Issue when try to update company not created by the API
  •  FIX  Validation missing on entity Contact for properties main_company_id+db_language_id
  •  FIX  Return HTTP Status 401 (Unauthorized) if no Authorization is sent on the header

14 December 2015
  •  API  Entity company has now the feelist_id
  •  API  Added entity feelist
  •  API  Added entity feelist_price
  •  API  Auto-add job_planning if job_status is suggested and suggested_user+suggested_date_start are filled

1 December 2015
  • HELP New page "Change Log"
  • HELP New page Compression describe how this is working
  • HELP New page "Wello API Sample" with source code
  •  API  Added entity hour_type
  •  API  Added entity hour_type_group
  •  API  Handle new status Jobs.job_status_code "Canceled"
  •  API  Validation (uniqueness) of field code/reference_back_office on POST/PUT
  •  API  Compression (gzip/deflate) is now possible
  •  FIX  Issue HTTP Status 201 returned when PUT instead of 200
  •  FIX  Issue on DbInfoFieldProperty.GetAll: Controller didn't return any value

September 2015
  •  HELP  New page about Db Report
  •  API  Added entity db_notes
  •  API  Added entity db_report