API User Guide

Workflow of Job Status

When the job created it's in status of Open:
1. If open job is changed to one of following status To be Planned, Pooling, Suggested then job status can be changed to Planned
2. If open job is changed to status Dispatched, then it must be assigned to a user. If the user accept the job, the job status can be changed to Planned, else if the user reject the dispatched job, the job status can be changed to Dispatch - Rejected
A Planned or Dispatch - Rejected job can be changed to Canceled or reopen with above statuses. Then Planned job can be changed to In Progress status. In Progress job can be changed to status of Waiting Further Actions or Completed.
3. If open job is changed to status Workshop, then it must be assigned to some users. If the user accept the job, the job status can be changed to Workshop in queue, and we do not have 'Reject' action for a workshop job Then Workshop in queue job can be changed to In progress (W) status. In progress (W) job can be changed to status of Workshop - Waiting further action or Workshop - Completed.

List of the job_status

Here are the available job status in Wello.

Name Guid Description
Open8BA9DA71-EF32-423A-BB50-AE767315F55CJob is just created and show on grid
To be Planned497ACFF2-9FF6-4C94-85DD-DAA0689553E2Jobs show on grid and can be assigned to any user.
Pooling8ADBC894-D612-DE11-BD84-0030488C6C36Jobs show on job pool.
Suggested143CF9CD-C3C1-406A-A19A-58D766D9DDA9Job suggested to any user
DispatchedA60BC691-AB2F-42F5-8A5B-998A29A27537Job is dispatched to any user
Dispatch - RejectedEB014DA9-5850-4E16-B1E9-527162F1A9E0Dispatched job is rejected by the user
WorkshopE2BC66AF-BD10-4035-8AA1-7AD88CB35723Indicate a job has been assigned to a workshop location, but no work has started
Workshop in queue41A3718F-EAA1-4EF4-9A82-2CCF3FA92BCCIndicate workshop technicians have been assigned to the job, but the work has not been accepted yet
Planned10F456D2-000E-48EA-93D7-E016107B7A98Job is assinged to user timeline.
In ProgressF79E58EE-EE04-4590-BCB1-49E8BD551659Technician are worining on it.
In progress (W)FC28469F-C276-4FF5-ABB7-B99F5AEE4C7DIndicate a workshop technician has accepted the job and starting the work
Waiting Further Actions136E1585-DFF6-4990-BFC6-DBA958B71F30Waiting further actions
Workshop - Waiting further action1C6F7A61-3723-450B-8158-19A90D60CBD9Indicate that for example some material is required to complete the work
Canceled06EA451C-5863-4C97-9592-CC928DFDF869Job cancel or closed.
Completed6557B9DC-6106-4327-8E26-6F24D0329C33Job completed and customer signature avaialble.
Workshop - CompletedCE5F26ED-5FE0-47A3-94A7-1BF4402E32D0Indicate the work has been completed and all the relevant documents have been generated