Entities and Endpoints

Api Log

ApiLog - stores the request/result call for debugging but also for the safety guard

GET api/ApiLog

Retrieves all the api logs

GET api/ApiLog(id)

Retrieves a api log with the specified key

POST api/ApiLog

Creates a new api log object

DELETE api/ApiLog(id)

Deletes the api_log with the specified key


Articles (=products, parts, materials). Used for Sales and Services

GET api/Article

Retrieves all the articles

GET api/Article(id)

Retrieves the article with the specified key

POST api/Article

Creates a new article

PUT api/Article(id)

Updates the article with the specified key

Article Category

Used to organize the articles in a hierarchical tree. Each article can only be linked to 1 category (Sales,Services).

GET api/ArticleCategory

Retrieves all the article categories

GET api/ArticleCategory(id)

Retrieves the article category with the specified key

POST api/ArticleCategory

Creates a new article category

PUT api/ArticleCategory(id)

Updates the article category with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleCategory(id)

Deletes the article category with the specified key

Article Color

Color of the article.

GET api/ArticleColor

Retrieves all the article color

GET api/ArticleColor(id)

Retrieves the article color with the specified key

POST api/ArticleColor

Creates a new article color

PUT api/ArticleColor(id)

Updates the article color with the specified key

Article Group1

Group 1. Used to organize the articles in a non-hierarchical way (Sales,Services). Each article needs to be assigned to one item of each of the activated article groups . Article groups can be Material, Size, Colour,...

GET api/ArticleGroup1

Retrieves all items of article group 1

GET api/ArticleGroup1(id)

Retrieves the item of article group 1 with the specified key

POST api/ArticleGroup1

Creates a new item within article group 1

PUT api/ArticleGroup1(id)

Updates the item of article group 1 with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleGroup1(id)

Deletes the item of article group 1 with the specified key

Article Group2

Group 2. Used to organize the articles in a non-hierarchical way (Sales,Services). Each article needs to be assigned to one item of each of the activated article groups . Article groups can be Material, Size, Colour,...

GET api/ArticleGroup2

Retrieves all items of article group 2

GET api/ArticleGroup2(id)

Retrieves the item of article group 2 with the specified key

POST api/ArticleGroup2

Creates a new item within article group 2

PUT api/ArticleGroup2(id)

Updates the item of article group 2 with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleGroup2(id)

Deletes the item of article group 2 with the specified key

Article Group3

Group 3. Used to organize the articles in a non-hierarchical way (Sales,Services). Each article needs to be assigned to one item of each of the activated article groups . Article groups can be Material, Size, Colour,...

GET api/ArticleGroup3

Retrieves all items of article group 3

GET api/ArticleGroup3(id)

Retrieves the item of article group 3 with the specified key

POST api/ArticleGroup3

Creates a new item within article group 3

PUT api/ArticleGroup3(id)

Updates the item of article group 3 with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleGroup3(id)

Deletes the item of article group 3 with the specified key

Article Group4

Group 4. Used to organize the articles in a non-hierarchical way (Sales,Services). Each article needs to be assigned to one item of each of the activated article groups . Article groups can be Material, Size, Colour,...

GET api/ArticleGroup4

Retrieves all items of article group 4

GET api/ArticleGroup4(id)

Retrieves the item of article group 4 with the specified key

POST api/ArticleGroup4

Creates a new item within article group 4

PUT api/ArticleGroup4(id)

Updates the item of article group 4 with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleGroup4(id)

Deletes the item of article group 4 with the specified key

Article Group5

Group 5. Used to organize the articles in a non-hierarchical way (Sales,Services). Each article needs to be assigned to one item of each of the activated article groups . Article groups can be Material, Size, Colour,...

GET api/ArticleGroup5

Retrieves all items of article group 5

GET api/ArticleGroup5(id)

Retrieves the item of article group 5 with the specified key

POST api/ArticleGroup5

Creates a new item within article group 5

PUT api/ArticleGroup5(id)

Updates the item of article group 5 with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleGroup5(id)

Deletes the item of article group 5 with the specified key

Article Group6

Group 6. Used to organize the articles in a non-hierarchical way (Sales,Services). Each article needs to be assigned to one item of each of the activated article groups . Article groups can be Material, Size, Colour,...

GET api/ArticleGroup6

Retrieves all items of article group 6

GET api/ArticleGroup6(id)

Retrieves the item of article group 6 with the specified key

POST api/ArticleGroup6

Creates a new item within article group 6

PUT api/ArticleGroup6(id)

Updates the item of article group 6 with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleGroup6(id)

Deletes the item of article group 6 with the specified key

Article Price Label

Article Price Label

GET api/ArticlePriceLabel

Retrieves all the article price label

GET api/ArticlePriceLabel(id)

Retrieves the article price label with the specified key

POST api/ArticlePriceLabel

Creates a new article price label

PUT api/ArticlePriceLabel(id)

Updates the article price label with the specified key

Article Price List

Uses to organize article prices in each article price lable.

GET api/ArticlePriceList

Retrieves all the article price list

GET api/ArticlePriceList(id)

Retrieves the article price list with the specified key

POST api/ArticlePriceList

Creates a new article price list

PUT api/ArticlePriceList(id)

Updates the article price list with the specified key

Article Status List

Article Status List

GET api/ArticleStatusList

Retrieves all the article status list

GET api/ArticleStatusList(id)

Retrieves the article status list with the specified key

POST api/ArticleStatusList

Creates a new article status list

PUT api/ArticleStatusList(id)

Updates the article status list with the specified key

Article Stock Location

Article Stock Location (if you are working with different stock location and not a central stock (article.physical_stock)

GET api/ArticleStockLocation

Retrieves all the article stock location

GET api/ArticleStockLocation(id)

Retrieves the article stock location with the specified key

POST api/ArticleStockLocation

Creates a new article stock location

PUT api/ArticleStockLocation(id)

Updates the article stock location with the specified key

Article Stock Location List

Article Stock Location List (stock value for this stock for this article)

GET api/ArticleStockLocationList

Retrieves all the article stock location lists

GET api/ArticleStockLocationList(id)

Retrieves the article stock location list with the specified key

POST api/ArticleStockLocationList

Creates a new article stock location list

PUT api/ArticleStockLocationList(id)

Updates the article stock location list with the specified key

DELETE api/ArticleStockLocationList(id)

Deletes the article stock location list object with the specified key

Cars (If you whish to store the car travel)

GET api/Car

Retrieves all the cars

GET api/Car(id)

Retrieves a car with the specified key

POST api/Car

Creates a new car

PUT api/Car(id)

Updates the car with the specified key

DELETE api/Car(id)

Deletes the car object with the specified key

Car Travel

Car Travel . Used to place car travel

GET api/CarTravel

Retrieves all the car travels

GET api/CarTravel(id)

Retrieves a car travel with the specified key


Companies (clients, supliers, debtors). Used for Sales and Services

GET api/Company

Retrieves all the companies

GET api/Company(id)

Retrieves the company with the specified key

POST api/Company

Creates a new company

PUT api/Company(id)

Updates the company with the specified key

Company Contact

Link contact with a company

GET api/CompanyContact

Retrieves all the company contact

GET api/CompanyContact(id)

Retrieves the company contact with the specified key

POST api/CompanyContact

Creates a new company contact object

PUT api/CompanyContact(id)

Updates the company contact with the specified key

Company Sales Territory List

Used to link company to more than one territory (main territory is on company.sales_territory_id)

GET api/CompanySalesTerritoryList

Retrieves all the company_sales_territory_list objects

GET api/CompanySalesTerritoryList(id)

Retrieves the company_sales_territory_list object with the specified key

POST api/CompanySalesTerritoryList

Creates a new company_sales_territory_list object

PUT api/CompanySalesTerritoryList(id)

Updates the company_sales_territory_list object with the specified key

DELETE api/CompanySalesTerritoryList(id)

Deletes the company_sales_territory_list object with the specified key

Company Sector

Company Sector - describes the industry sector to which the company belongs

GET api/CompanySector

Retrieves all items of company sector

GET api/CompanySector(id)

Retrieves the item of compay sector with the specified key

POST api/CompanySector

Creates a new item within company sector

PUT api/CompanySector(id)

Updates the item of company sector with the specified key

DELETE api/CompanySector(id)

Deletes the company sector with the specified key

Company Type

Company Type. Allows you to add a specification to you clients, suppliers and debtors

GET api/CompanyType

Retrieves all the type

GET api/CompanyType(id)

Retrieves the type with the specified key

POST api/CompanyType

Creates a new type

PUT api/CompanyType(id)

Updates the type with the specified key

DELETE api/CompanyType(id)

Deletes the type with the specified key



GET api/Contact/GetByEmail?email={email}

Get Contact by email

GET api/Contact

Retrieves all the contacts

GET api/Contact(id)

Retrieves the contact with the specified key

GET api/Contact?company_id={company_id}

Get Contact by Company Id

POST api/Contact

Creates a new contact object

PUT api/Contact(id)

Updates the contact with the specified key



GET api/Contract

Retrieves all the contracts

GET api/Contract(id)

Retrieves the Contract with the specified key

POST api/Contract

Creates a new Contract object

PUT api/Contract(id)

Updates the Contract with the specified key


Countries using ISO 3166

GET api/Country

Retrieves all countries

GET api/Country(id)

Retrieves the country with the specified key

Db Address

Addresses of companies. Project can use the default company address or a specific one

GET api/DbAddress

Retrieves all db_address

GET api/DbAddress(id)

Retrieves the db_address with the specified key

POST api/DbAddress

Create a a new db_address usable for a company

PUT api/DbAddress(id)

Updates the work order type with the specified key

Db Currency

Db currency

GET api/DbCurrency

Retrieves all the db currency

GET api/DbCurrency(id)

Retrieves the db currency with the specified key

POST api/DbCurrency

Create a new db currency object

PUT api/DbCurrency(id)

Updates the db currency with the specified key

DELETE api/DbCurrency(id)

Deletes the db currency with the specified key

Db File

File (Document Manager,Linked files or files generated)

POST api/DbFile/Add?db_table_id={db_table_id}&id_in_table={id_in_table}&description={description}

Uses to upload files to a entity (like a task). Add file content into request body.

GET api/DbFile/GetFileContent/{id}

Get the content of the file

GET api/DbFile

Retrieves all db_file

GET api/DbFile(id)

Retrieves the db_file with the specified key

POST api/DbFile

Creates a new db_file by supplying directly the field db_file.file_content as Byte Array

PUT api/DbFile(id)

Update a db_file by supplying directly the field db_file.file_content as Byte Array

DELETE api/DbFile(id)

Deletes the global db_file object (or files linked to entity but not JobApprovalPDF/OrderPDF/PurchaseOrderPDF) with the specified key

Db File Folder

Add files to a task

GET api/DbFileFolder

No documentation available.

GET api/DbFileFolder(id)

No documentation available.

POST api/DbFileFolder

No documentation available.

PUT api/DbFileFolder(id)

No documentation available.

DELETE api/DbFileFolder(id)

No documentation available.

Db Info

Chapters of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfo

Retrieves all objects db_info that belongs to a static category (like Company,Project,...)

GET api/DbInfo(id)

Retrieves an object of the specified key if belongs to a static category (like Company,Project,...)

POST api/DbInfo

Creates a new object that belongs to a static category (like Company,Project,...)

PUT api/DbInfo(id)

Updates the modifications done on the object that belongs to a static category (like Company,Project,...)

DELETE api/DbInfo(id)

Deletes the object of the specified key

Db Info Data

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoData

Retrieves all the db_info_data objects

GET api/DbInfoData(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoData

Creates a new db_info_data object

PUT api/DbInfoData(id)

Updates the db_info_data object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoData(id)

Deletes the db_info_data object with the specified key

Db Info Data Article

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoDataArticle

Retrieves all the db_info_data_article objects

GET api/DbInfoDataArticle(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data_article object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoDataArticle

Creates a new db_info_data_article object

PUT api/DbInfoDataArticle(id)

Updates the db_info_data_article object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoDataArticle(id)

Deletes the db_info_data_article object with the specified key

Db Info Data Company

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoDataCompany

Retrieves all the db_info_data_company objects

GET api/DbInfoDataCompany(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data_company object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoDataCompany

Creates a new db_info_data_company object

PUT api/DbInfoDataCompany(id)

Updates the db_info_data_company object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoDataCompany(id)

Deletes the db_info_data_company object with the specified key

Db Info Data Db Report

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoDataDbReport

Retrieves all the db_info_data_db_report objects

GET api/DbInfoDataDbReport(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data_db_report object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoDataDbReport

Creates a new db_info_data_db_report object

PUT api/DbInfoDataDbReport(id)

Updates the db_info_data_db_report object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoDataDbReport(id)

Deletes the db_info_data_db_report object with the specified key

Db Info Data Jobs

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoDataJobs

Retrieves all the db_info_data_jobs objects

GET api/DbInfoDataJobs(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data_jobs object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoDataJobs

Creates a new db_info_data_jobs object

PUT api/DbInfoDataJobs(id)

Updates the db_info_data_jobs object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoDataJobs(id)

Deletes the db_info_data_jobs object with the specified key

Db Info Data Project

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoDataProject

Retrieves all the db_info_data_project objects

GET api/DbInfoDataProject(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data_project object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoDataProject

Creates a new db_info_data_project object

PUT api/DbInfoDataProject(id)

Updates the db_info_data_project object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoDataProject(id)

Deletes the db_info_data_project object with the specified key

Db Info Data Task

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoDataTask

Retrieves all the db_info_data_task objects

GET api/DbInfoDataTask(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data_task object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoDataTask

Creates a new db_info_data_task object

PUT api/DbInfoDataTask(id)

Updates the db_info_data_task object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoDataTask(id)

Deletes the db_info_data_task object with the specified key

Db Info Data User

Values of the info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoDataUser

Retrieves all the db_info_data_user objects

GET api/DbInfoDataUser(id)

Retrieves the db_info_data_user object with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoDataUser

Creates a new db_info_data_user object

PUT api/DbInfoDataUser(id)

Updates the db_info_data_user object with the specified key ///

DELETE api/DbInfoDataUser(id)

Deletes the db_info_data_user object with the specified key

Db Info Field

Info fields (See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoField

Retrieves all items

GET api/DbInfoField(id)

Retrieves the item with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoField

Creates a new item

PUT api/DbInfoField(id)

Updates the item with the specified key

DELETE api/DbInfoField(id)

Deletes the item with the specified key

Db Info Field Property

Items for certain types of info fields (like ComboBox,SelectBox or RadioButton - See "Info Fields" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbInfoFieldProperty

Retrieves all items

GET api/DbInfoFieldProperty(id)

Retrieves the item with the specified key

POST api/DbInfoFieldProperty

Creates a new item

PUT api/DbInfoFieldProperty(id)

Updates the item with the specified key

DELETE api/DbInfoFieldProperty(id)

Deletes the item with the specified key

Db Notes

Notes which can be linked to some object (Company/Jobs/Project/Task)

GET api/DbNotes

Retrieves all db notes

GET api/DbNotes(id)

Retrieves the db note with the specified key

POST api/DbNotes

Create a new db note

PUT api/DbNotes(id)

Updates the db note with the specified key

DELETE api/DbNotes(id)

Deletes the db note with the specified key

Db Payment Methods


GET api/DbPaymentMethods

Retrieves all items of db payment methods

GET api/DbPaymentMethods(id)

Retrieves the item of db payment methods with the specified key

POST api/DbPaymentMethods

Creates a new item within db payment methods

PUT api/DbPaymentMethods(id)

Updates the item of db payment methods with the specified key

DELETE api/DbPaymentMethods(id)

Deletes the item of db payment methods with the specified key

Db Report

Reports (based on InfoField system) used on WorkOrderReport and Visit Report (See "Db Report" help guide for more information)

GET api/DbReport

Retrieves all db Reports

GET api/DbReport(id)

Retrieves the db report with the specified key

POST api/DbReport

Creates a new db report

PUT api/DbReport(id)

Updates the db report with the specified key

DELETE api/DbReport(id)

Deletes the db report with the specified key

Db Status List

Db status list

GET api/DbStatusList

Retrieves all the db status list

GET api/DbStatusList(id)

Retrieves the db status list with the specified key

POST api/DbStatusList

Create a new db status list object

PUT api/DbStatusList(id)

Updates the db status list with the specified key

DELETE api/DbStatusList(id)

Deletes the db status list with the specified key

Email Notification

Email Notificaion Controller

GET api/EmailNotification

Retrieves all the email notification

GET api/EmailNotification(id)

Retrieves the email notification with the specified key

Email Notification List

Email Notificaion List Controller

GET api/EmailNotificationList

Retrieves all the email notification list

GET api/EmailNotificationList(id)

Retrieves the email notification list with the specified key

Equipment Brand

Equipment Brand

GET api/EquipmentBrand

Retrieves all the equipment_brand objects

GET api/EquipmentBrand(id)

Retrieves the equipment_brand object with the specified key

POST api/EquipmentBrand

Creates a new equipment_brand object

PUT api/EquipmentBrand(id)

Updates the equipment_brand object with the specified key

DELETE api/EquipmentBrand(id)

Deletes the equipment_brand object with the specified key

Equipment Family

Project types

GET api/EquipmentFamily

Retrieves all the equipment_family objects

GET api/EquipmentFamily(id)

Retrieves the equipment_family object with the specified key

POST api/EquipmentFamily

Creates a new equipment_family object

PUT api/EquipmentFamily(id)

Updates the equipment_family object with the specified key

DELETE api/EquipmentFamily(id)

Deletes the equipment_family object with the specified key

Equipment Model

Equipment Model

GET api/EquipmentModel

Retrieves all the equipment_model objects

GET api/EquipmentModel(id)

Retrieves the equipment_model object with the specified key

POST api/EquipmentModel

Creates a new equipment_model object

PUT api/EquipmentModel(id)

Updates the equipment_model object with the specified key

DELETE api/EquipmentModel(id)

Deletes the equipment_model object with the specified key

Fee List

FeeList (Services). Used to configure the price for invoicable timesheets

GET api/FeeList

Retrieves all the fee lists

GET api/FeeList(id)

Retrieves the fee list with the specified key

POST api/FeeList

Creates a new fee list object

PUT api/FeeList(id)

Updates the fee list with the specified key

Fee List Price

FeeList Price (Services). Contains the Matrix of price (rules) for invoicable timesheets

GET api/FeeListPrice

Retrieves all the fee list prices

GET api/FeeListPrice(id)

Retrieves the fee list price with the specified key

POST api/FeeListPrice

Creates a new fee list price object

PUT api/FeeListPrice(id)

Updates the fee list price with the specified key

Hour Type

Hour Type. Used by CarTravel/UserTimesheet to generate the invoicable timesheets (Job Non Part Usage)

GET api/HourType

Retrieves all the hour_type objects

GET api/HourType(id)

Retrieves the hour_type object with the specified key

POST api/HourType

Creates a new hour_type object

PUT api/HourType(id)

Updates the hour_type object with the specified key

DELETE api/HourType(id)

Deletes the hour_type object with the specified key

Hour Type Group

Group of Hour Type

GET api/HourTypeGroup

Retrieves all the hour_type_group objects

GET api/HourTypeGroup(id)

Retrieves the hour_type_group object with the specified key

POST api/HourTypeGroup

Creates a new hour_type_group object

PUT api/HourTypeGroup(id)

Updates the hour_type_group object with the specified key

DELETE api/HourTypeGroup(id)

Deletes the hour_type_group object with the specified key


Invoices generated from completed work orders or from contracts - Read only

POST api/Invoice/ChangeStatusId

Change status of invoice

GET api/Invoice

Get all invoices

GET api/Invoice(id)

Get invoice using specific key.

Invoice Details

Lines of the invoices generated from completed work orders or contracts - Read only

GET api/InvoiceDetails

Get all invoice details

GET api/InvoiceDetails(id)

Get invoice details using specific key.

Invoice Status

Invoice status

GET api/InvoiceStatus

Retrieves all invoice statuses

GET api/InvoiceStatus(id)

Retrieves the invoice status with the specified key

POST api/InvoiceStatus

Create a new invoice status object

PUT api/InvoiceStatus(id)

Updates the invoice status with the specified key

DELETE api/InvoiceStatus(id)

Deletes the invoice status with the specified key

Invoice View

Invoices with header and details that generated from completed work orders or from contracts - Read only

GET api/InvoiceView

Get all invoices

GET api/InvoiceView(id)

Get invoice using specific key.

Job Approval

Contains all information about the Dialy or full work order approvals

GET api/JobApproval

Retrieves all the job approvals

GET api/JobApproval(id)

Retrieves the job approval with the specified key

Job Estimated Quantity

Estimation of parts that should be used during a work order (including quantities)

GET api/JobEstimatedQuantity

Retrieves all the job_estimated_quantity objects

GET api/JobEstimatedQuantity(id)

Retrieves the job_estimated_quantity with the specified key

POST api/JobEstimatedQuantity

Creates a new job_estimated_quantity object

PUT api/JobEstimatedQuantity(id)

Updates the job_estimated_quantity object with the specified key

DELETE api/JobEstimatedQuantity(id)

Deletes the job_estimated_quantity object with the specified key

Job Files

File for job (Document Manager,Linked files or files generated)

GET api/JobFiles/GetFileContent/{id}

Get the content of the file

GET api/JobFiles

Retrieves all job_files

GET api/JobFiles(id)

Retrieves the job_files with the specified key

POST api/JobFiles

Creates a new job_files by supplying directly the field job_files.file_content as Byte Array

PUT api/JobFiles(id)

Update a job_files by supplying directly the field job_files.file_content as Byte Array

DELETE api/JobFiles(id)

Deletes the global job_files object (or files linked to entity but not JobApprovalPDF/OrderPDF/PurchaseOrderPDF) with the specified key

Job Non Part Usage

Invoicable timesheets and car travels for a work order

GET api/JobNonPartUsage

Retrieves all the job_non_part_usage objects

GET api/JobNonPartUsage(id)

Retrieves the job_non_part_usage object with the specified key

Job Part Usage

Parts (=article, materials) used to complete the work order

GET api/JobPartUsage

Retrieves all used parts

GET api/JobPartUsage(id)

Retrieves the used part with the specified key

Job Planning

Job Planning

GET api/JobPlanning

Get job planning using specific key.

GET api/JobPlanning(id)

Get all job planning

Job Priority

Priorities (High, Critical, low) used to describe work orders

GET api/JobPriority

Retrieves all the job_priority objects

GET api/JobPriority(id)

Retrieves the job_priority object with the specified key

POST api/JobPriority

Creates a new job_priority object

PUT api/JobPriority(id)

Updates the job_priority object with the specified key

DELETE api/JobPriority(id)

Deletes the job_priority object with the specified key

Work orders Main object

POST api/Jobs/AddUsersAsWorkshopInQueue

Force a job going to WorkshopInQueue and will assign to user in the list (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

GET api/Jobs

Retrieves all the work orders

GET api/Jobs(id)

Retrieves the work order with the specified key

POST api/Jobs

Creates a new work order (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

PUT api/Jobs(id)

Updates the work order with the specified key (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

DELETE api/Jobs(id)

Deletes the work order with the specified key (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

Job Status

Job status

GET api/JobStatus

Retrieves all job status

GET api/JobStatus(id)

Retrieves the job status with the specified key

POST api/JobStatus

Creates a new job status

PUT api/JobStatus(id)

Updates the job status with the specified key

Job Type

Work order Types (E.g. Maintenance, Intervention, inspection)

GET api/JobType

Retrieves all work order types

GET api/JobType(id)

Retrieves the work order type with the specified key

POST api/JobType

Creates a new work order type

PUT api/JobType(id)

Updates the work order type with the specified key

DELETE api/JobType(id)

Deletes the work order type with the specified key

Job Work Instruction List

Job Work Instruction List

GET api/JobWorkInstructionList

Retrieves all the job work instruction list.

GET api/JobWorkInstructionList(id)

Retrieves the job work instruction list with the specified key.

POST api/JobWorkInstructionList

Creates a new job work instruction list.

PUT api/JobWorkInstructionList(id)

Updates the job work instruction list with the specified key


Language (used in company, contact, user) using ISO 639-1

GET api/Language

Retrieves all languages

GET api/Language(id)

Retrieves the language with the specified key


Location controller

POST api/Location/MoveLocationAsRootToOtherCompany

Move location to another company and set as a root (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

POST api/Location/MoveLocationAsChildToOtherCompany

Move location to another company and set as child of a location (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

GET api/Location

Retrieves all the locations

GET api/Location(id)

Retrieves an object of the specified key

POST api/Location

Creates a new location object (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

PUT api/Location(id)

Updates the location object (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

DELETE api/Location(id)

Deletes the object of the specified key (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

Marketing Segment

Marketing Segment. Define in which segment belongs the companies

GET api/MarketingSegment

Retrieves all the type

GET api/MarketingSegment(id)

Retrieves the type with the specified key

POST api/MarketingSegment

Creates a new type

PUT api/MarketingSegment(id)

Updates the type with the specified key ///

DELETE api/MarketingSegment(id)

Deletes the type with the specified key


Projects (Equipments, Installation)

POST api/Project/MoveInstallationAsChildToOtherCompany

Move installation to another company and set as child of a location or installation (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

POST api/Project/MoveMobileInstallationAsRootToOtherCompany

Move mobile installation to another company and set as a root (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

POST api/Project/MoveMobileInstallationAsChildToOtherCompany

Move mobile installation to another company and set as child of a mobile installation (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

GET api/Project

Retrieves all the projects

GET api/Project(id)

Retrieves the project with the specified key

POST api/Project

Creates a new project (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

PUT api/Project(id)

Updates the project with the specified key (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

DELETE api/Project(id)

Deletes the project with the specified key (Please log using your API credentials to evaluate if your current licence allows this action)

Project Status

Project Statuses. (E.g. Set up, in production, out of order)

GET api/ProjectStatus

Retrieves project statuses

GET api/ProjectStatus(id)

Retrieves the project status with the specified key

POST api/ProjectStatus

Creates a new project status

PUT api/ProjectStatus(id)

Updates the project status with the specified key

DELETE api/ProjectStatus(id)

Deletes the project status with the specified key

Purchase Order

Purchase Order header of articles on Work orders

GET api/PurchaseOrder

Retrieves all the purchase orders

GET api/PurchaseOrder(id)

Retrieves the purchase order with the specified key

POST api/PurchaseOrder

Creates a new purchase order

PUT api/PurchaseOrder(id)

Updates the purchase order with the specified key

DELETE api/PurchaseOrder(id)

Deletes the purchase order with the specified key

Purchase Order Details

Order lines of the Purchase orders

GET api/PurchaseOrderDetails

Retrieves all the purchase order order lines

GET api/PurchaseOrderDetails(id)

Retrieves the purchase order order lines with the specified key

POST api/PurchaseOrderDetails

Creates a new purchase order order line

PUT api/PurchaseOrderDetails(id)

Updates the purchase order order lines with the specified key

DELETE api/PurchaseOrderDetails(id)

Deletes the purchase order order lines with the specified key

Sales Organization

Sales / Service Organizations

GET api/SalesOrganization

Retrieves all organizations

GET api/SalesOrganization(id)

Retrieves organization with the specified key

POST api/SalesOrganization

Creates a new organization

PUT api/SalesOrganization(id)

Updates the organization with the specified key ///

DELETE api/SalesOrganization(id)

Deletes the organization with the specified key

Sales Territory

Territories. Sub division of the Organizations

GET api/SalesTerritory

Retrieves all territories

GET api/SalesTerritory(id)

Retrieves the territory with the specified key

POST api/SalesTerritory

Creates a new territory

PUT api/SalesTerritory(id)

Updates the territory with the specified key ///

DELETE api/SalesTerritory(id)

Deletes the territory with the specified key

Skills, can be required to perform a Work order. Users can have 0 to N skills.

GET api/Skill

Retrieves all skills

GET api/Skill(id)

Retrieves the skill with the specified key

POST api/Skill

Creates a new skill

PUT api/Skill(id)

Updates the skill with the specified key

DELETE api/Skill(id)

Deletes the skill with the specified key

Task. Used for Sales and Services

GET api/Task

Retrieves all the tasks

GET api/Task(id)

Retrieves the task with the specified key

POST api/Task

Creates a new task

PUT api/Task(id)

Updates the task with the specified key

Task Activity

Task Activity

GET api/TaskActivity

Retrieves all the task activities

GET api/TaskActivity(id)

Retrieves the task activity with the specified key

POST api/TaskActivity

Creates a new task activity

PUT api/TaskActivity(id)

Updates the task activity with the specified key

Task Activity Log

Task Activity Log

GET api/TaskActivityLog

Retrieves all the task_activity_log

GET api/TaskActivityLog(id)

Retrieves the task_activity_log with the specified key

POST api/TaskActivityLog

Creates a new task_activity_log

PUT api/TaskActivityLog(id)

Updates the task_activity_log with the specified key

Task Files

File for task (Document Manager,Linked files or files generated)

GET api/TaskFiles/GetFileContent/{id}

Get the content of the file

GET api/TaskFiles

Retrieves all task_files

GET api/TaskFiles(id)

Retrieves the task_files with the specified key

POST api/TaskFiles

Creates a new task_files by supplying directly the field task_files.file_content as Byte Array

PUT api/TaskFiles(id)

Update a task_files by supplying directly the field task_files.file_content as Byte Array

DELETE api/TaskFiles(id)

Deletes the global task_files object with the specified key

Task Priority

Task Priorities (E.g. Low,Medium,High,Urgent)

GET api/TaskPriority

Retrieves all task priorities

GET api/TaskPriority(id)

Retrieves the task priority with the specified key

POST api/TaskPriority

Creates a new task priority

PUT api/TaskPriority(id)

Updates the task priority with the specified key

DELETE api/TaskPriority(id)

Deletes the task priority with the specified key

Task Status

Task Status (E.g. InProgress,Closed)

GET api/TaskStatus

Retrieves all task status

GET api/TaskStatus(id)

Retrieves the task status with the specified key

POST api/TaskStatus

Creates a new task status

PUT api/TaskStatus(id)

Updates the task status with the specified key

DELETE api/TaskStatus(id)

Deletes the task status with the specified key

Task Type

Task Types (E.g. Call, Prepare Document)

GET api/TaskType

Retrieves all task types

GET api/TaskType(id)

Retrieves the task type with the specified key

POST api/TaskType

Creates a new task type

PUT api/TaskType(id)

Updates the task type with the specified key

DELETE api/TaskType(id)

Deletes the task type with the specified key

Users,Technicians,Sales People, Managers

GET api/User/Me

Get method to return the login and domain of current authorization value. Fields returned are Domain and User

GET api/User

Retrieves all users

GET api/User(id)

Retrieves the user with the specified key

POST api/User

Creates a new user

PUT api/User(id)

Updates the user with the specified key

User Group

User group

GET api/UserGroup

Retrieves all user group

GET api/UserGroup(id)

Retrieves the user group with the specified key

POST api/UserGroup

Creates a new user group

PUT api/UserGroup(id)

Updates the user group with the specified key

User Planning Slot

User Planning Slot

GET api/UserPlanningSlot

Retrieves all the user_planning_slot

GET api/UserPlanningSlot(id)

Retrieves the user_planning_slot with the specified key

POST api/UserPlanningSlot

Creates a new user_planning_slot

PUT api/UserPlanningSlot(id)

Updates the user_planning_slot with the specified key

DELETE api/UserPlanningSlot(id)

Deletes the user_planning_slot with the specified key

User Planning Slot Type

User Planning Slot Type

GET api/UserPlanningSlotType

Retrieves all the user_planning_slot_type

GET api/UserPlanningSlotType(id)

Retrieves the user_planning_slot_type with the specified key

POST api/UserPlanningSlotType

Creates a new user_planning_slot_type

PUT api/UserPlanningSlotType(id)

Updates the user_planning_slot_type with the specified key

DELETE api/UserPlanningSlotType(id)

Deletes the user_planning_slot_type with the specified key

User Sales Organization List

Used to link users to Organization

GET api/UserSalesOrganizationList

Retrieves all the user_sales_organization_list objects

GET api/UserSalesOrganizationList(id)

Retrieves the user_sales_organization_list object with the specified key

POST api/UserSalesOrganizationList

Creates a new user_sales_organization_list object

PUT api/UserSalesOrganizationList(id)

Updates the user_sales_organization_list object with the specified key

DELETE api/UserSalesOrganizationList(id)

Deletes the user_sales_organization_list object with the specified key

User Sales Territory List

Used to link users to Territories

GET api/UserSalesTerritoryList

Retrieves all the user_sales_territory_list objects

GET api/UserSalesTerritoryList(id)

Retrieves the user_sales_territory_list object with the specified key

POST api/UserSalesTerritoryList

Creates a new user_sales_territory_list object

PUT api/UserSalesTerritoryList(id)

Updates the user_sales_territory_list object with the specified key

DELETE api/UserSalesTerritoryList(id)

Deletes the user_sales_territory_list object with the specified key

User Skill List

Used to link users to skills

GET api/UserSkillList

Retrieves all the user_skill_list objects

GET api/UserSkillList(id)

Retrieves the user_skill_list object with the specified key

POST api/UserSkillList

Creates a new user_skill_list object

PUT api/UserSkillList(id)

Updates the user_skill_list object with the specified key

DELETE api/UserSkillList(id)

Deletes the user_skill_list object with the specified key

User Timesheet

User timesheet

GET api/UserTimesheet

No documentation available.

GET api/UserTimesheet(id)

Retrieves a user timesheet with the specified key

User Unavailability

User Unavailabilities (ill, holidays,...)

GET api/UserUnavailability

Retrieves all unavailabilities

GET api/UserUnavailability(id)

Retrieves the unavailability with the specified key

POST api/UserUnavailability

Creates a new unavailability

PUT api/UserUnavailability(id)

Updates the unavailability with the specified key

DELETE api/UserUnavailability(id)

Deletes the unavailability with the specified key

User Unavailability Type

Types of user unavailabilities

GET api/UserUnavailabilityType

Retrieves all unavailability types

GET api/UserUnavailabilityType(id)

Retrieves the unavailability type with the specified key

POST api/UserUnavailabilityType

Creates a new unavailability type

PUT api/UserUnavailabilityType(id)

Updates the unavailability type with the specified key

DELETE api/UserUnavailabilityType(id)

Deletes the unavailability type with the specified key

User Week Approval

User Week Approval

GET api/UserWeekApproval

Retrieves all the user week approval

GET api/UserWeekApproval(id)

Retrieves a user week approval with the specified key

Work Instruction

Work Instruction

GET api/WorkInstruction

Retrieves all the work instructions.

GET api/WorkInstruction(id)

Retrieves the work instruction with the specified key.

POST api/WorkInstruction

Creates a new work instruction.

PUT api/WorkInstruction(id)

Updates the work instruction with the specified key

Work Instruction Action Type

Work Instruction Action Type

GET api/WorkInstructionActionType

Retrieves all work instruction action types

GET api/WorkInstructionActionType(id)

Retrieves the work instraction action type with the specified key

POST api/WorkInstructionActionType

Creates a new work instruction action type

PUT api/WorkInstructionActionType(id)

Updates the work instruction action type with the specified key

Work Instruction Details

Work Instruction Details

GET api/WorkInstructionDetails

Retrieves all the work instructions details.

GET api/WorkInstructionDetails(id)

Retrieves the work instruction details with the specified key.

POST api/WorkInstructionDetails

Creates a new work instruction details.

PUT api/WorkInstructionDetails(id)

Updates the work instruction details with the specified key