Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Primary Key |
globally unique identifier | |
invoice_id |
Key of invoice to which this line belongs |
globally unique identifier | |
article_id |
Key of article on this line |
globally unique identifier | |
article_name |
Name of article on this line |
string | |
article_description |
Description of article on this line |
string | |
article_code |
Code of article on this line |
string | |
line_num |
Number of this line within the invoice |
integer | |
quantity_decimal |
Quantity |
decimal number | |
article_price |
Unit Price of article |
decimal number | |
discount |
Unit Discount value (absolute) applied to this line |
decimal number | |
vat_rate |
VAT ratio applied to this line |
decimal number | |
vat_value |
Value (absolute) of VAT on this line |
decimal number | |
total_vat |
vat_value * quantity_decimal |
decimal number | |
total_line |
quantity*(article_price-discount) |
decimal number | |
total_line_with_vat |
total_line + total_vat |
decimal number | |
source_db_table_name |
The name of db table |
string | |
source_id_in_table |
Key of the object from which the invoice details is derived |
globally unique identifier | |
serial_number |
Serial number |
string | |
no_warranty_reason |
The reason for no warranty |
string | |
is_under_warranty |
The item is under warranty |
boolean | |
discount_percentage |
Discount percentage |
decimal number | |
cost_price |
Cost price |
decimal number | |
company_vat_id |
The id of company vat |
globally unique identifier | |
company_vat_code |
The code of company vat |
string | |
modified_dateutc |
Readonly system field managed by database, filled with GetUtcDate when adding,updating |
date |