Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Primary Key |
globally unique identifier | |
name |
Name of the article stock location |
string |
Required Max length: 64 |
sequence |
Sorting field (0 first), to order them |
integer | |
city |
Address:City |
string |
Max length: 50 |
street |
Address:Street |
string |
Max length: 50 |
street2 |
Address:Street2 |
string |
Max length: 50 |
street_number |
Address:Street Number. If your ERP doesn't have this field, then only use field "street" and disable the street number on Wello/Admin/Impl Settings/Global Settings:Hide Street Number |
string |
Max length: 50 |
zip |
Address:Zip |
string |
Max length: 50 |
db_country_id |
Address:Country |
globally unique identifier | |
db_country_code |
Address:CountryCode entity using international code when adding/updating article_stock_location |
string | |
reference_back_office |
Field used for Embedded entity (store there your ERP PK) |
string |
Max length: 255 |
modified_dateutc |
Readonly system field managed by database, filled with GetUtcDate when adding,updating |
date | |
linked_db_table_id |
Foreign key to the table that is linked to this stock (like car or company) using Guid |
globally unique identifier | |
linked_db_table_name |
Foreign key to the table that is linked to this stock (Allowed is car or company) using table name |
string | |
linked_car_id |
Foreign key to the object id that is linked to this stock ( using Guid |
globally unique identifier | |
linked_car_reference_back_office |
Embedded entity "car" (when the linked object is a car) using ERP PK when adding/updating article_stock_locatioon |
string | |
linked_car |
Embedded entity "car" using node when adding/updating article_stock_location |
car | |
linked_company_id |
Foreign key to the object id that is linked to this stock ( using Guid |
globally unique identifier | |
linked_company_code |
Embedded entity "company" (when the linked object is a company) using ERP PK when adding/updating article_stock_locatioon |
string | |
linked_company |
Embedded entity "company" using node when adding/updating article_stock_location |
company |