Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Primary Key |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
is_client |
SALES : Indicate if can be used for ordering |
boolean | |
is_supplier |
SERVICES : indicate if this company is a supplier |
boolean | |
archived |
Archive this company to not have it anymore on the search |
boolean | |
name | string |
Required Max length: 64 |
notes |
Notes/Remark field |
string | |
create_date |
Creation date+time |
date | |
sales_territory_id |
Territory of the company (Sales+Services).If more than one sales_territory exists, then it must be filled |
globally unique identifier | |
sales_territory_code |
Embedded entity "sales_territory" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
string | |
sales_territory |
Embedded entity "sales_territory" using node when adding/updating company |
sales_territory | |
marketing_segment_id |
Marketing Segment of the company (Sales (Visit frequency logic) +Services (Planning Jobs To Be Planned) ) |
globally unique identifier | |
marketing_segment_code |
Embedded entity "marketing_segment" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
string | |
marketing_segment |
Embedded entity "marketing_segment" using node when adding/updating company |
marketing_segment | |
sales_organization_id |
Organization on which belongs the company.If more than one sales_organization exists, then it must be filled |
globally unique identifier | |
sales_organization_code |
Embedded entity "sales_organization" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
string | |
sales_organization |
Embedded entity "sales_organization" using node when adding/updating company |
sales_organization | |
company_sales_status_code |
Foreign key of company_sales_status using code. Use "Normal,CreditRisk, BlockedbyCM or OrderBlocked" |
string | |
vat_reg_code |
VAT number |
string |
Max length: 50 |
is_working_address |
Services : If False, you cannot create project/installation on this company.Default=true |
boolean | |
parent_id |
Reference to a parent company (in case of Child/Parent) when adding/updating company |
globally unique identifier | |
parent_company_code |
Embedded entity "company" for parent (in case of Child/Parent) using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
string | |
parent_company |
Embedded entity "company" for parent (in case of Child/Parent) when adding/updating company |
company | |
phone |
Phone number of the company |
string |
Max length: 50 |
fax |
Fax number of the company |
string |
Max length: 50 |
url |
URL of the company website |
string |
Max length: 255 |
string |
Max length: 250 |
street |
Address:Street |
string |
Max length: 100 |
street_number |
Address:Street Number. If your ERP doesn't have this field, then only use field "street" and disable the street number on Wello/Admin/Impl Settings/Global Settings:Hide Street Number |
string |
Max length: 50 |
city |
Address:City |
string |
Max length: 50 |
zip |
Address:Zip |
string |
Max length: 50 |
db_country_id |
Address:Country |
globally unique identifier | |
db_country_code |
Address:CountryCode entity using international code when adding/updating company |
string | |
feelist_id |
FeeList activated for the company (On Service, Feelist determines the price of the invoicable timesheets) |
globally unique identifier | |
feelist_reference_back_office |
Embedded entity "feelist" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
string | |
feelist |
Embedded entity "feelist" using node when adding/updating company |
feelist | |
company_type_id |
Company Type |
globally unique identifier | |
company_type_name |
Embedded entity "company_type" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
string | |
company_type |
Embedded entity "company_type" using node when adding/updating company |
company_type | |
db_language_id |
Language of the company.If empty, will use the default on the system |
globally unique identifier | |
db_language_code |
Language code entity using international isocode when adding/updating company |
string | |
code |
Field used for Embedded entity (store there your ERP PK) |
string |
Max length: 50 |
article_price_label_id |
Foreign key of article price label |
globally unique identifier | |
article_price_label_code |
Embedded entity "article price label" using ERP PK when adding/updating |
string | |
article_price_label |
Embedded entity "article price label" when adding/updating |
article_price_label | |
db_payment_method_id |
Embedded entity "db payment methods" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
globally unique identifier | |
db_payment_method_reference_back_office |
Embedded entity "db payment methods" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
string | |
db_payment_methods |
Embedded entity "db payment methods" using ERP PK when adding/updating company |
db_payment_methods | |
company_sector_id |
Foreign key to company_sector |
globally unique identifier | |
company_sector_code |
Embedded code for the company_sector using ERP PK when adding/updating |
string | |
company_sector |
Embedded entity for the company_sector using the key from an external system when adding/updating object |
company_sector | |
is_lead |
Indicate that company is not already a customer |
boolean | |
is_subcontractor |
For Service, that company is one of your subcontractors |
boolean | |
latitude |
Decimal coordonate for the latitude. (-1;-1) means invalid and (0;0) means not already geo-encoded |
decimal number | |
longitude |
Decimal coordonate for the longitude. (-1;-1) means invalid and (0;0) means not already geo-encoded |
decimal number | |
street2 |
Additional information on the address not part of the postal address |
string | |
bic_code |
bic code |
string | |
specialities |
specialities |
string | |
register_number |
register_number |
string | |
register_city |
register_city |
string | |
bankaccount |
Bank account of the company. |
string | |
mobile |
Mobile number of the company |
string |
Max length: 50 |
service_manager_user_id |
ID of the service manager. Auto selected user when creating location, installation. Used also inside communication and tags |
globally unique identifier | |
service_manager_user_code |
Embedded code of the service manager. Auto selected user when creating location, installation. Used also inside communication and tags |
string | |
service_manager_user |
Embedded entity of the service manager. Auto selected user when creating location, installation. Used also inside communication and tags |
user | |
finance_manager_user_id |
ID of the finance manager. Only used inside communication and tags |
globally unique identifier | |
finance_manager_user_code |
Embedded code of the finance manager. Only used inside communication and tags |
string | |
finance_manager_user |
Embedded entity of the finance manager. Only used inside communication and tags |
user | |
account_manager_user_id |
ID of the account manager. Only used inside communication and tags |
globally unique identifier | |
account_manager_user_code |
Embedded code of the account manager. Only used inside communication and tags |
string | |
account_manager_user |
Embedded entity of the account manager. Only used inside communication and tags |
user | |
company_status_id |
Company Status |
globally unique identifier | |
invoice_email_to |
Email to send invoice |
string | |
modified_dateutc |
Readonly system field managed by database, filled with GetUtcDate when adding,updating |
date | |
id2 |
Internal ID (numeric) |
integer | |
po_number_required |
Is the number required or not? |
boolean | |
invoice_contact_id |
The contact id of invoice |
globally unique identifier | |
due_monthend |
Due monthend of invoice |
boolean | |
payement_conditions |
Payement conditions of invoice |
string | |
udf1 |
Custom field udf1 |
string | |
udf2 |
Custom field udf2 |
string | |
udf3 |
Custom field udf3 |
string | |
udf4 |
Custom field udf4 |
string | |
udf5 |
Custom field udf5 |
string | |
udf6 |
Custom field udf6 |
string | |
udf7 |
Custom field udf7 |
string | |
udf8 |
Custom field udf8 |
string | |
udf9 |
Custom field udf9 |
string | |
udf10 |
Custom field udf10 |
string | |
udf11 |
Custom field udf11 |
string | |
udf12 |
Custom field udf12 |
string | |
udf13 |
Custom field udf13 |
string | |
udf14 |
Custom field udf14 |
string | |
udf15 |
Custom field udf15 |
string | |
udf16 |
Custom field udf16 |
string | |
udf17 |
Custom field udf17 |
string | |
udf18 |
Custom field udf18 |
string | |
udf19 |
Custom field udf19 |
string | |
udf20 |
Custom field udf20 |
string | |
udf21 |
Custom field udf21 |
string | |
udf22 |
Custom field udf22 |
string | |
udf23 |
Custom field udf23 |
string | |
udf24 |
Custom field udf24 |
string | |
udf25 |
Custom field udf25 |
string | |
udf26 |
Custom field udf26 |
string | |
udf27 |
Custom field udf27 |
string | |
udf28 |
Custom field udf28 |
string | |
udf29 |
Custom field udf29 |
string | |
udf30 |
Custom field udf30 |
string | |
udf31 |
Custom field udf31 |
string | |
udf32 |
Custom field udf32 |
string | |
udf33 |
Custom field udf33 |
string | |
udf34 |
Custom field udf34 |
string | |
udf35 |
Custom field udf35 |
string | |
udf36 |
Custom field udf36 |
string | |
udf37 |
Custom field udf37 |
string | |
udf38 |
Custom field udf38 |
string | |
udf39 |
Custom field udf39 |
string | |
udf40 |
Custom field udf40 |
string | |
udf41 |
Custom field udf41 |
string | |
udf42 |
Custom field udf42 |
string | |
udf43 |
Custom field udf43 |
string | |
udf44 |
Custom field udf44 |
string | |
udf45 |
Custom field udf45 |
string | |
udf46 |
Custom field udf46 |
string | |
udf47 |
Custom field udf47 |
string | |
udf48 |
Custom field udf48 |
string | |
udf49 |
Custom field udf49 |
string | |
udf50 |
Custom field udf50 |
string | |
udf51 |
Custom field udf51 |
string | |
udf52 |
Custom field udf52 |
string | |
udf53 |
Custom field udf53 |
string | |
udf54 |
Custom field udf54 |
string | |
udf55 |
Custom field udf55 |
string | |
udf56 |
Custom field udf56 |
string | |
udf57 |
Custom field udf57 |
string | |
udf58 |
Custom field udf58 |
string | |
udf59 |
Custom field udf59 |
string | |
udf60 |
Custom field udf60 |
string | |
udf61 |
Custom field udf61 |
string | |
udf62 |
Custom field udf62 |
string | |
udf63 |
Custom field udf63 |
string | |
udf64 |
Custom field udf64 |
string | |
udf65 |
Custom field udf65 |
string | |
udf66 |
Custom field udf66 |
string | |
udf67 |
Custom field udf67 |
string | |
udf68 |
Custom field udf68 |
string | |
udf69 |
Custom field udf69 |
string | |
udf70 |
Custom field udf70 |
string | |
udf71 |
Custom field udf71 |
string | |
udf72 |
Custom field udf72 |
string | |
udf73 |
Custom field udf73 |
string | |
udf74 |
Custom field udf74 |
string | |
udf75 |
Custom field udf75 |
string | |
udf76 |
Custom field udf76 |
string | |
udf77 |
Custom field udf77 |
string | |
udf78 |
Custom field udf78 |
string | |
udf79 |
Custom field udf79 |
string | |
udf80 |
Custom field udf80 |
string | |
udf81 |
Custom field udf81 |
string | |
udf82 |
Custom field udf82 |
string | |
udf83 |
Custom field udf83 |
string | |
udf84 |
Custom field udf84 |
string | |
udf85 |
Custom field udf85 |
string | |
udf86 |
Custom field udf86 |
string | |
udf87 |
Custom field udf87 |
string | |
udf88 |
Custom field udf88 |
string | |
udf89 |
Custom field udf89 |
string | |
udf90 |
Custom field udf90 |
string | |
udf91 |
Custom field udf91 |
string | |
udf92 |
Custom field udf92 |
string | |
udf93 |
Custom field udf93 |
string | |
udf94 |
Custom field udf94 |
string | |
udf95 |
Custom field udf95 |
string | |
udf96 |
Custom field udf96 |
string | |
udf97 |
Custom field udf97 |
string | |
udf98 |
Custom field udf98 |
string | |
udf99 |
Custom field udf99 |
string | |
udf100 |
Custom field udf100 |
string |